St. Mary the Virgin Cuddington

Tel: 020 8337 4026

Sunday Club

Our children's church. Sunday Club, meets during the 09:30am service on the first and third Sundays during term time.

Leaders plan activities for a range of ages from the start of school to early secondary age using The Roots resources.

Children thoroughly enjoy sharing their activities and learning with the rest of the congregation.


In recent years, seven of our children have taken their first communion. Through a series of learning lessons, they learn about the church building, think about prayer and delve into the meaning behind the Eucharist. Sharing a special communion service with family and friends is a highlight of their journey of faith, so far.


With the encouragement of the wider congregation, children demonstrate a keenness to help out within the service and lead services including a Christmas Nativity.

For more information, please contact Carolyn Harvey or Jacqui Hooper via email,

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